A Typical Day at Drayton Daisy Chain Pre-School

8:00am – 3:00pm Pre-school day

During the day your child will have the opportunity to experience a variety of engaging activities which are both adult led and child initiated.

Children can arrive from 8:00am where we have our breakfast club until 8:45am. During the morning the children will have the chance to take part in either cooking or playdough making, enjoy a healthy snack time with milk and water, within their key groups and also play both inside and outside. Our morning session finishes with a circle time session involving storytelling, singing or playing a listening game.

In the afternoon we have lunch at 12:00 where we sit with our peers and enjoy our lunches together, this is an extremely social time for children and staff. The afternoon then consists of more free-flow activities within the indoor and outdoor environments and finishing at 3:00pm with another circle time session.

Throughout the year we also often organise walks within our local environment, visits to schools and shops and join in with other events within the community. We are also lucky during the year to have outside providers such as Boogie Beats Music and Movement and Active 8 Minds lead sessions for our children.

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